How the Rich Do It

John Cousins
March 3, 2023
8 minutes

Wealthy people get rich from a portfolio of small bets, owning businesses, acquiring real estate, creating digital assets, stock market investing, and building their network.

Wealthy people often acquire their wealth through a combination of different strategies rather than relying on one method. One common approach is to build a portfolio of small bets, which refers to investing in various opportunities to diversify risk and increase the chances of success. This strategy includes investing in different industries, markets, or asset classes.

Portfolio diversification is a strategy investors use to spread their investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographic regions to reduce risk and increase the chances of success. The idea is not to put all your eggs in one basket, so if one investment performs poorly, the overall portfolio is not significantly affected.

On the other hand, some investments will perform much better than anticipated or planned.

The power law is a statistical concept that refers to the observation that a small number of events or outcomes account for most of the results in a given system. For example, in venture capital, the power law applies to the distribution of returns from venture capital investments.

According to the power law, a small number of investments in a venture capital portfolio will generate the majority of the returns, while the majority of assets will generate little or no return.

The power law is sometimes called the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule.

This has significant implications for portfolios. Since the vast majority of investments will generate little returns, venture capital firms need many investments to achieve a reasonable return on investment.

This is known as the “portfolio effect,” and it requires venture capital firms to make many investments, in order to have a higher chance of hitting a home run with one of them.

This is an example of small inputs having disproportionately large consequences, not an uncommon finding in the behavior of complex systems.

The power law also has implications for the strategy of venture capital firms. To achieve the best possible returns, venture capital firms must focus on identifying and investing in the most promising opportunities. This requires a deep understanding of the market, the industry, and the companies they invest in.

It also requires the ability to identify and invest in companies that have the potential to become “unicorns” (companies that achieve a billion-dollar valuation).

When diversifying a portfolio, investors can choose from a wide range of assets, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and alternative investments.

Diversifying across different asset classes can help balance the portfolio and reduce the overall risk. For example, stocks tend to be more volatile than bonds, so holding a mix of both can help to smooth out the portfolio’s performance.

Another aspect of portfolio diversification is investing in different industries and sectors. You can do this by investing in a mix of companies from various industries, such as technology, healthcare, finance, and energy. This can help reduce risk as one industry’s performance may not be correlated to the performance of another sector.

Diversifying geographically is another way to spread risk. This could include investing in different countries or regions, which can reduce the impact of economic or political events in one specific area.

Overall, portfolio diversification is a key strategy that can help investors to achieve their financial goals while minimizing risk. By spreading investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographic regions, investors can reduce their portfolio risk and increase their chances of success over time.

Another strategy that wealthy people often use to build their wealth is by owning businesses. Entrepreneurship could include starting a company, investing in existing businesses, or buying and running a franchise. Owning a business can provide a steady income stream and opportunities for growth and expansion.

Starting a new business from scratch can be challenging and risky, but it also provides the opportunity for significant growth and wealth creation. Entrepreneurs who successfully build and grow a business can reap the rewards of their hard work and dedication in the form of equity ownership and a steady income stream.

Investing in existing businesses is another option for those who don’t want to start a business from scratch. This can include investing in a private company, buying shares in a publicly traded company, or becoming a silent partner in a firm.

By investing in an existing business, an individual can gain access to the business’s existing resources, customer base, and revenue stream.

Buying and running a franchise is another way of owning a business. It allows an individual to own and operate a company using a proven business model and established brand. In addition, franchisees will have the opportunity to benefit from the franchisor’s expertise, training, and support, which can help to reduce the risks associated with starting a business from scratch.

Starting a new business from scratch, investing in existing companies, or buying and running a franchise can provide a steady income stream, significant growth opportunities, and equity ownership. However, it is worth noting that becoming an entrepreneur or business owner requires a specific set of skills, knowledge, and mindset, and it is not for everyone.

Acquiring real estate is another popular method for building wealth. This could include buying and renting properties, flipping houses, or investing in commercial real estate.

Real estate can be a valuable asset that generates income and appreciates over time.

One strategy for doing this is by owning rental properties. Rental properties are real estate properties leased to tenants, providing a steady stream of rental income for the property owner.

Owning rental properties can provide several benefits as an investment. Firstly, rental properties can generate a steady stream of passive income, providing a source of revenue without the need for active management. Additionally, rental properties can appreciate in value over time, providing potential capital gains when the property is sold.

There are different strategies for acquiring rental properties. One way is to purchase and hold a property long-term, collect rent, and build equity over time.

Another strategy is to flip properties, buying, renovating, and reselling them at a profit. Another is to invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs) that invest in properties and distribute dividends to shareholders.

Before acquiring a rental property, it is crucial to consider its location, condition, and potential rental income. It’s also essential to consider the costs associated with owning and managing rental properties, such as property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and repairs.

Creating digital assets is another way that you can build wealth. This could include creating online courses, digital products, or websites that generate revenue. In addition, building a digital asset is a great way to leverage technology to create a scalable and automated income stream.

Creating digital assets is a strategy that many people use to build wealth in today’s digital age. A digital asset is a non-physical asset that is created and stored electronically, such as an e-book, an app, a website, or a piece of software. These assets can generate revenue through advertising, subscriptions, or sales.

Creating digital assets is a great way to leverage technology to create a scalable and automated income stream. For example, creating an online course and selling it via a platform like Udemy or Coursera can generate passive income, as you can sell the course multiple times without additional work.

Similarly, building a website that generates revenue through advertising, affiliate marketing, or e-commerce can generate a steady income stream.

Creating digital assets can also effectively build a personal brand, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations. For example, a popular YouTube channel, a blog, or a podcast can attract a large audience, leading to sponsorships, partnerships, and other opportunities.

Creating a digital asset requires a particular set of skills, such as an understanding of the target audience, the ability to develop and produce quality content, and the ability to promote and monetize the asset. However, many of these skills can be learned through training, research and practice.

The potential rewards can be significant.

Stock investing is a strategy that many people use to build their wealth. It involves buying shares of publicly traded companies with the expectation that the value of these shares will increase over time.

Stock investing is a way to get a percentage of a company’s earnings and growth potential.

When a company goes public, it issues shares of stock, representing proportional ownership in the company.

As a shareholder, you own a piece of the company and are entitled to a portion of its profits. A company pays out profits to shareholders as dividends or reinvests them in the company.

Stock investing can provide several benefits as an investment:

  1. It allows individuals to participate in the growth of successful companies, which can provide significant returns over time.
  2. Many companies also pay dividends to shareholders, providing a steady income stream.
  3. Owning shares in a company gives you a say in the company’s direction and future through voting rights on important matters.

There are different strategies for stock investing. One way is to invest in blue-chip stocks, which are stocks of well-established, financially stable companies with a long history of paying dividends and have shown consistent growth in value over time.

Another strategy is to invest in growth stocks, which are stocks of companies that are expected to grow rapidly in the future, although they may not pay dividends.

Another approach is to invest in value stocks, which are stocks of companies that are undervalued by the market and expected to perform well in the future.

Before investing in stocks, it’s essential to conduct research and analysis on the company, its financials, management, industry, and competition. Having a well-diversified portfolio and a long-term investment horizon is also important.

Finally, building a network is also an essential aspect of wealth building. Building a network of valuable relationships, including other wealthy and successful individuals, can open doors to new opportunities and provide helpful advice and support.

It used to be called a Rolodex.

A network refers to an individual’s relationships and connections with other people, including friends, family, colleagues, and professionals. These relationships can provide valuable resources, advice, and opportunities to help individuals achieve their goals.

A strong network can open doors to new opportunities, such as job openings, business partnerships, and investment opportunities. It can also provide access to valuable information and resources, such as industry insights, market trends, and expert advice. Furthermore, having a network of successful and influential people can enhance one’s reputation and credibility, leading to new opportunities and collaborations.

Building a network takes time and effort. It involves actively seeking out and cultivating relationships with people who can provide value to one’s life and career. This can include attending networking events, joining professional organizations, and building relationships with people in one’s industry. Building a network also requires effective communication and relationship-building skills and the ability to provide value to others.

In conclusion, wealthy people often acquire their wealth through a combination of strategies, and building a portfolio of small bets, including owning businesses, acquiring and developing real estate, creating digital assets, stock investing, and building their network.

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John Cousins
Author, Entrepreneur, & Teacher

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