To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.
To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.
To journey and to be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim.
- Mark Nepo
Getting Started
When developing a startup, entrepreneurs should follow the lean startup methodology. Here is a list of some great resources to get you up to speed:
Steve Blank’s free course on Udacity
Its called How to Build a Startup. Steve Blank has done more than anybody to codify this material into a useful and practical process for customer development and searching for a sustainable business model. This course has delightful whiteboard animation video segments that break it all down. Start here.
This book by Giff Constable is an incredible resource for customer development. And its free to download. Giff’s generosity in sharing this clear and practical take on conducting qualitative research is inspiring. Take advantage of it.
This is a free online accelerator program designed by the Kaufman Foundation. It will help you organize, plan and move your idea forward.
MBA ASAP Guide to Startups and Entrepreneurship
This is a quick course to get you up to speed on the tools and techniques of turning you idea into a viable business.
Here is a list of books for a deeper dive, inspiration and motivation.
Just Do It.
Don’t wait for permission.

Once you get going, here is a checklist of things to measure your progress:
Here is a great template for creating your slide deck for pitching your startup from Guy Kawasaki.
You can download and print templates of the business model canvas. Just Google it.
Keep and archive of iterations of your BMC assumptions and pitch deck. This will help you see how you have evolved your thinking in response to customer interactions etc.
Create a two slide presentation with the following:
Two slides:
Logo, name, tag line
Product/market fit:
Value proposition/customer segments
Customer Development
Detail and document your Customer Discovery and Validation process and progress.
· Questionnaire
· Customer interviews
· Data summary from customer interactions and interviews
· Testimonials
· Referrals
· Other information
Minimal Viable Product
Describe your Product/service mix and main/core Feature set.
Provide an image or description of your prototype.
Marketing materials
· Branding
· Flyers
· Cards
· SM posts
· Photos
· Images
· Anything else
How are you reaching your customers?
Social Media accounts
· Links
· Stats
· Mailchimp or other service
Direct marketing
Stores and outlets
· Online
· Bricks and mortar
Other channels
Market Analysis
Describe your Competition and how you deal with it. What are the biggest threats?
Customer archetypes
Customer journey
How does you funnel look and operate
What are the conversions?
Intellectual Property
What is the status, if you have any, of your:
· Patents
· Trademarks
· Copyright
General Questions
What insights have you had?
What course corrections or pivots have you made?
What does success look like? What do you want your business to achieve?
Revenues, net income, number of customers, return customers, new customers, units sold
KPIs or metrics that you have created
Create a detailed 100 day plan
Maintain and update it as you go along.
These are my general thoughts on things to think about and resources to help get started. Please leave any comments about other things you have found helpful or important points that I have left out.
Thanks for reading!
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